ITALY — On Wednesday, Guido Barilla, the CEO of Barilla Group made clear his stance on gay people and gay marriage. In an interview, Barilla stated firmly that his company would not feature any gay couples in his advertising because his views on the “family unit” are more traditional.

“If gays like our pasta and our advertisings, they will eat our pasta;” Barilla said, sweating. “If they don’t like that, they will eat someone else’s pasta…I don’t agree with them, and I think we want to talk to traditional families. The women are crucial in this.”

The statement quickly made headlines and spread like anti-gay wildfire across Facebook and Twitter.

George TakeiBarilla made several backtracking attempts and possibly-maybe I’m apologizing statements quickly after the backlash began, claiming he did not mean to offend or hurt anyone’s feelings by saying that gay people are yucky.

“I respect same-sex marriage because that concerns people who want to contract marriage, but I absolutely don’t respect adoptions in gay families, because that concerns a person who is not the people who decide,” he said.

The apology was quickly received and responded to with a collaborative What the fuck does that even mean?

“Regarding my comments at the radio program La Zanzara,” he continued. “I [apologize] if my words generated misunderstandings or controversy or if they hurt some people’s feelings. In the interview I just wanted to underline the centrality of the woman’s role in the family.”

In delving deeper into the issue, Barilla was asked what the women’s role in the family actually is, and why the same centrality cannot exist between two men or two women.

Awkwardly nervous-looking Barilla Group Chairman, Guido Barilla

Suspiciously nervous-looking Barilla Group Chairman, Guido Barilla

“The woman is necessary to make the pasta and prepare the dinner,” Barilla said, now flexing his arms. “The household is very simple. It is in the Bible. There is a man who is the ruler of the house. There are sons and daughters. And there is a woman. The woman must care for the family, cooking and cleaning. She must obey her husband. And she must be ready for [sex] at any time. That is the traditional family…If there are two men, there are two rulers of the house. There is nobody to cook or to clean; nobody to spank. If there are two women, there is nobody to make the money for the household and there is nobody in charge.”

During the interview, Barilla’s wife entered the room, softly weeping, and offered everyone a plate of pasta.

The pasta was just terrible.

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About Alex David Jimenez

Alex David is an American writer & advocate from the New York City area.


Culture, World


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